Sept. 11, 2023

Time for a Change?

Time for a Change?

In this riveting episode, Political Dad delves deep into the maze of American politics, focusing on the age-old struggle between the entrenched elite and the new blood pushing for change. Starting off by shedding light on a joint statement by presidential libraries, Political Dad exposes the hidden anxieties of the DC insiders, questioning their true motives and the effectiveness of their governance. He goes on to question the role of aging political leaders, humorously dubbing them the "Geriatric Brigade," and wonders if they are really attuned to the needs and challenges of 21st-century America. Special segments include the much-anticipated "Graffiti," featuring commentary on AOC and a guest appearance from "AI Jimmy," and Political Dad's take on the complex personalities of Donald Trump, Vivek, and RFK Jr. The episode concludes with some classic "dad jokes," leaving listeners both thoughtful and entertained. Tune in for a balanced, unfiltered look at American politics from the dad's-eye view. Stay sharp, America!

Portions of the show use AI.

In this riveting episode, Political Dad delves deep into the maze of American politics, focusing on the age-old struggle between the entrenched elite and the new blood pushing for change. Starting off by shedding light on a joint statement by presidential libraries, Political Dad exposes the hidden anxieties of the DC insiders, questioning their true motives and the effectiveness of their governance. He goes on to question the role of aging political leaders, humorously dubbing them the "Geriatric Brigade," and wonders if they are really attuned to the needs and challenges of 21st-century America. Special segments include the much-anticipated "Graffiti," featuring commentary on AOC and a guest appearance from "AI Jimmy," and Political Dad's take on the complex personalities of Donald Trump, Vivek, and RFK Jr. The episode concludes with some classic "dad jokes," leaving listeners both thoughtful and entertained. Tune in for a balanced, unfiltered look at American politics from the dad's-eye view. Stay sharp, America!

Portions of the show use AI.

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PODCAST: Political Dad


Title:  Time for a Change?


Welcome in my fellow Americans on the Left, Right and everywhere in between! You're dialed into the Political Dad express, Episode 23, broadcasting loud and clear on the Common Sense Broadcast Network. Go ahead, pour that morning joe, get comfy in your favorite chair, 'cause let me tell you, we've got a show that'll knock your socks off today!




Listen up, my friends, gather 'round because it's heart-to-heart time with your very own Political Dad. Now, let's get something crystal clear—I didn't jump into this podcasting arena for the Benjamins. No siree! I've got two decades of riding shotgun with the legendary Rush Limbaugh, learning the secret sauce of what makes a radio show not just listenable, but downright magnetic.


You see, I kept hearing that podcasts are the "next big thing," so naturally, I gave a few a listen. And let me tell you, if you've got insomnia, there's your cure! Those podcasts could put a caffeinated squirrel to sleep. So, I thought, "Why not try my hand at it? But let's not forget the entertainment X-factor, the Rushbo mojo that kept people glued to their radios."


Look, I spent 20 years on the front lines of the political battlefield, folks. I've seen firsthand the love and, yes, the loathing, that comes when you're a giant in the talk radio game. It wasn't a stroll in the park; it was an emotional roller coaster. But let me be unequivocal—I didn't launch this podcast to widen the chasms that already divide our great nation. Nope. The aim here is to unite us all in a common cause.


And what's that common enemy? It ain't your neighbor who votes differently than you. It's not the guy on TV who rubs you the wrong way. No, it's the puppet masters themselves—the "D.C. Elite" that think they can play chess with our lives. Those are the folks we need to focus our firepower on, my friends. We have to rally together, not as red states or blue states, but as the United States, to take on the real villains holed up in the halls of Washington D.C.


So keep tuning in, because this is more than just a podcast—it's a clarion call. We're not just fighting against something; we're fighting for something—for an America that's of the people, by the people, and for the people, not just a select few who never had to worry about making ends meet.


This is Political Dad, telling you we've got a country to save. Let's get to work, America!


Paper crinkle


Ah yes, the Beltway Bigwigs that we like to call the “DC Elite”. When they sit down to draft communal love letters, you can bet your last dollar they're not just breaking a sweat; they're in full-on panic mode. And it's not because their ivory towers are getting too warm, but because the temperature's heating up out here—in the Heartland, where you and I work, live, and uphold the values they've long forgotten.


I’m not sure if you saw in the news this past week that all the Presidential Libraries got together to release a statement?  This was the first time in the history of the nation!  Time to slice through the static, folks. This alliance of presidential libraries, it's like the Old Guard sending you a fruitcake in August. "Hey, remember us? Remember when we were in charge? Oh, and by the way, you're getting a bit too smart for your own good."


You see, when they lament about the "state of American democracy," what they're actually whimpering is, "Uh-oh, the jig is up." It's as if your teenager suddenly realizes that the Easter Bunny and Tooth Fairy are the stuff of fairytales, and you're left holding a basket of eggs.


So they say, "Others perceive our house in disarray"? Well, darn right they do! But not for the reasons these swivel-chair sages are peddling. It's not you and me dropping the democratic ball; it's the ringmasters on Capitol Hill who've turned governance into a three-ring circus. They threw the party, spiked the punch, and are too lazy to grab a broom.


And listen to this gem: "Our elected officials must lead by example and govern effectively." Oh, the staggering hypocrisy! These same folks have a PhD in forgetting that 'public service' means actually serving the public—not just their egos and offshore accounts.


Here's the Political Dad two-cents: When the establishment starts crooning about "democratic principles," let's remember who's been warping those very ideals. This isn't a warning bell, compatriots; it's a fog machine. And you know the old adage: where there's smoke, there's a bonfire waiting to erupt.  We have got to wake up America and realize this isn’t left and right anymore.  The left and the right are on the same team and have been for a long time.  This is about the DC Elite keeping power and control over the money.  Plain and simple.  Lets open our eyes and voice our opinions before it’s too late!!!


Strap in, team, because we're veering off the freeway of political pomp to "Graffiti"—our spotlight on your spicy takes on the memes and images we share. And today, we're featuring none other than the Green New Queen herself, AOC, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.




Graffiti segment


Ah, Jimmy, you're channeling Shakespeare today, aren't you? A political inkblot, a snapshot of the soul — that's golden! Listen up, fellow citizens: AOC serves as a kind of barometer, a weather vane that gauges your ideological climate in this intricate, shape-shifting topography we call American politics.


Whether she's your North Star or your red flag, just remember: the dialogue, the sparring, the digital doodles on our Graffiti Wall—that's the engine of democracy. It's rowdy, it's clamorous, and by George, it's as American as apple pie.


Well, folks, the clock's against us for today, but have no fear; we'll be back, restocking the furnace of your mental machinery. This is your trusty Political Dad, reminding you: keep the aperture of your intellect wide open, but let those BS detectors hum like a well-oiled machine. Keep those wits razor-sharp, America!




Alright, gather round, because it's time to pull back the curtain on the golden years club running the show in Washington, D.C. Are we governing a nation or hosting bingo night at the old folks' home? I mean, seriously!


Break it down with me: Nancy Pelosi clocking in at 83, still in the ring, Joe Biden at 80, Mitch McConnell at 81. Chuck Schumer? He's the young pup in the yard at 71. And hey, let's not give Donald Trump a pass either. The burning question here, compatriots, is: Are these elder statesmen and stateswomen dialed in to your lives? Do they get what it's like to be a Dad juggling work and kids? Or a Mom making every penny scream for mercy?


Now, don't get me wrong; this isn't a jab at the AARP crowd. But when your ruling class is eyeing retirement condos in Florida, you gotta ask: Do they really grasp what it's like for 21st-century American families?


For us, the proletariat of this grand experiment, the stakes are concrete, not conceptual. We're drowning in debt that'll be gifted, like it or not, to our kids. For the D.C. high-rollers, though? It's just another hand in an endless game of Texas Hold'em. And who's getting the short stack? You got it—the real folks, you and me.


This generational gap has fractured the social contract between governance and the governed. They're up there in their climate-controlled luxury boxes, while we're down here sweating in the nosebleed seats, squinting to make out what's actually going on. Folks, this isn't a scrimmage; it's the championship game of our lives.


How do they keep scoring re-elections? That's the jackpot question. Are we even voting for them anymore, or are we just voting against the other jersey? Have we become so entrenched in team loyalty that we've lost sight of who the real MVPs should be?


Let's get introspective for a moment. Whether you're red, blue, or caught in some kind of political purgatory, ask yourself: Are these the captains we want steering the ship of a dynamic, multifaceted, ever-evolving America?


Chime in, people. Is it time to draft some rookies to the political lineup? Or do you still believe that wisdom comes with wrinkles, even if that wisdom's got a senior discount? I'm Political Dad here, ringing the alarm bell. Let's draft a new starting line-up, one with vision, vigor, and a vested interest in the future, not just their legacy. Keep those ears on and minds open, because we're just getting started.




Alright, folks, it's time to wrap up another episode of Political Dad, and oh boy, we’ve got some food for thought to take into this week.


Firstly, let's talk about the transformation we're seeing in Trump and Vivek. Once the bad boys of the political scene, it's like they've been given a time-out and are now playing nice with the DC Elite. They have Donald locked down with all this court drama and Vivek is getting put in his place everyday lately. You ever get the feeling these power brokers collect mavericks like baseball cards, just to say they've got 'em? That's what it's starting to look like, friends.


Now contrast that with RFK Jr. The guy is dancing to his own beat, and you know what, it's a beat that's making a lot of people tap their feet. Yeah, he’s got baggage; he's no boy scout. But he's willing to poke the bear, folks, while others are turning into teddy bears themselves.


This guy is asking tough questions, whether it’s about the polarization in media, unity among the working class, or why we’re sinking billions into foreign conflicts with little to show for it. He's even got the audacity to ask: "Why is healthcare in the U.S. as expensive as a luxury car, but as effective as a tricycle?"


The bottom line is, in a time when we're being force-fed scripted narratives and rehearsed talking points, RFK Jr. is serving up something raw and unfiltered. We can only hope he keeps belting out this tune without hitting any weird notes like "Hey, aliens are the reason for inflation!" or some such nonsense.


So here's the takeaway: Whether you lean left, right, or you're standing smack dab in the middle, keep an eye on this Kennedy. He's shaping up to be a real contender if he can avoid getting too far into the weeds.


Alright, let's get down to brass tacks. Kennedy—yeah, he’s part of a family that's practically built into the woodwork of Capitol Hill. These people know how the game is played. So, when RFK Jr. steps up and echoes some of the same sentiments we've been hammering away at right here on this show, you can't help but lean in a bit closer to your speakers.


Now, Donald Trump, bless his heart, couldn’t quite wrangle the swamp beasts in DC to get term limits set. For all his talk, the man's net worth couldn't buy enough political will to change the status quo. It's like the DC Elite have their own gravitational field, and even a meteor like Trump couldn't break through it.


So, here’s the sixty-four-thousand-dollar question: Is RFK Jr. the guy who could, at last, nail down something as sensible as term limits? Or will he go the way of the other Kennedys—full of sound and fury, signifying nothing? Can he keep that Kennedy momentum without veering off into the left field like some members of his famous family?


Here's my two cents: If Kennedy can keep singing this tune of common sense, keep his feet grounded and dodge the arrows and slings that'll come his way, then maybe—just maybe—he can make an impact. It's a long shot, but when you're desperate for some kind of change, a long shot is better than no shot.


Political Dad, reminding you to scrutinize the actions, not just the words, of these so-called leaders.


Ok now, Dad jokes loading!!!



Show Close

Haha, alright, let's put the 'Dad' in Political Dad with some classic dad jokes to close out the show!


"Why did Donald Trump use so much hair spray? He was trying to 'hold' onto his political career!"

"Why did the DC Elite cross the road? To get to the 'dark' side, where the lobbying is better!"


"What's the favorite game of politicians? Spin the bottle—except the bottle is always pointing at them!"


"Why did Nancy Pelosi take up knitting? She wanted to 'stitch' together a new policy!"


"What's Vivek's favorite yoga pose? The 'twist,' so he can fit into any political situation!"


"And finally, why did Political Dad start a podcast? Because someone needed to 'broadcast' common sense!"


There you have it, folks! Political Dad, signing off with a chuckle. Keep smiling and, more importantly, keep questioning. See you next week!