Sept. 7, 2023

AOC and $33 Trillion Debt

AOC and $33 Trillion Debt

In this week's episode of Political Dad, we dive headlong into the circus that is Washington D.C., just as the Senate scrambles back to session to dodge a government shutdown. From AOC's role as a crusader or a cocktail waiter in Congress, to the political games that both sides are playing at the expense of the American dream, we're peeling back the layers folks! Throw in a comedic segment with AI Jimmy as we chuckle over AOC, and you've got yourself a rollercoaster of a show that no middle-aged, politically-savvy listener will want to miss. Don't forget to keep those comments coming, because this conversation is far from over!

Portions of this show use AI.

In this week's episode of Political Dad, we dive headlong into the circus that is Washington D.C., just as the Senate scrambles back to session to dodge a government shutdown. From AOC's role as a crusader or a cocktail waiter in Congress, to the political games that both sides are playing at the expense of the American dream, we're peeling back the layers folks! Throw in a comedic segment with AI Jimmy as we chuckle over AOC, and you've got yourself a rollercoaster of a show that no middle-aged, politically-savvy listener will want to miss. Don't forget to keep those comments coming, because this conversation is far from over!

Portions of this show use AI.

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PODCAST: Political Dad


Title:  AOC and $33 Trillion Debt

Welcome back to your go-to podcast, folks! Today we're diving deep into the AOC circus and the Senate's return as they scramble against the funding clock. Hang on to your hats, it's gonna be a wild ride!


Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, and especially you dads out there trying to make heads or tails of the political circus—welcome to episode 22 of the Political Dad podcast on the CSB Network! I'm your host, Political Dad, and today we're taking a deep dive into the enigma, the riddle wrapped in a mystery inside a green agenda: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, AKA AOC. So grab your dad jokes and your sensible footwear, because this is going to be a rollercoaster!

Now, AOC was born in New York City in 1989, and according to the books, she's got a degree in economics and international relations from Boston University. Now, you may think that makes her smart, but remember, folks, it's one thing to have a degree and another to use it wisely. This is the same lady who once questioned if we could, you know, "run out of money." Ah, Econ 101, how quickly we forget thee!

Before venturing into the lion's den of Congress, AOC was shaking cocktails and slinging fries. Now, let's be honest, if you can deal with happy hour at a local dive bar, Congress is basically the same thing but with less honest conversation. After getting inspired—or should I say 'Berned'?—by Bernie Sanders' 2016 campaign, she looked in the mirror and thought, "Well, if he can do it, why can't I?" Then she went on to unseat Joseph Crowley in a primary win so shocking, it had people scratching their heads like a dad trying to set up parental controls on an iPhone.

So, what's she famous for? Well, her Green New Deal is a bit like that project car in your driveway that you swear you'll fix up someday. It looks good on paper, but the moment you dig in, you realize there's no engine, the seats are missing, and, oh yeah, it's not exactly road-legal.

Speaking of green, AOC’s got a knack for fundraising. The lady raked in $5 million in less than 96 hours for disaster relief. She's like a political Kickstarter with better hair! But remember, if you ask her how we're going to fund her projects, well, apparently we'll print more money or something. Maybe she thinks Monopoly money and Federal Reserve Notes are interchangeable!

Barack Obama met her privately. That's like the political equivalent of being called up to the big leagues, folks. But not even that gets her to toe the party line. No, AOC's got her own brand of, let’s call it, 'unique wisdom,' and she’s not afraid to tell her party they're not doing enough, even though she's proposing stuff that would make a dad's credit card scream for mercy!

Now, AOC is not just a talker; she's a doer. She sits on committees, grilling big pharma like it's a backyard cook-out and proposing amendments about public health data related to drilling. You've got to hand it to her; she's trying to be everywhere, like that dad who coaches soccer, helps with the science fair, and still thinks he's got time to build a deck.

So, to sum it up, AOC is a bundle of contradictions, soaring ambitions, and, well, let's say 'unique economic theories.' Love her or hate her, she's stirring the pot, adding some spice to a Congress that often tastes like unsalted oatmeal.

Now, folks, you know we like to keep it interactive here on the Political Dad podcast. Earlier this week, we tossed up a snapshot of AOC on the old Facebook and said, "Go nuts, share your thoughts." And boy, did you all have a lot to say—nearly 900 comments in just 24 hours! So we're breaking it down into two digestible chunks, just like you'd carve up that Thanksgiving turkey. Get ready for this week's Graffiti segment, Part 1, to dive into your thoughts on AOC. Hit it, "AI Jimmy!"

Graffiti segment

Whew, my friends, if that wasn't a roller coaster of public sentiment, then I don't know what is. Seems like AOC gets the crowd more riled up than a Florida gator in a swimming pool! On one hand, some of you think she's the beacon of change, a maverick fighting for the little guy. On the other hand, the rest of you would prefer her slinging drinks than policies. Well, that's the spice of American dialogue for you, eh?

And folks, that's just Part 1 of your comments! Yes, Part 1, you read it right. It's like a Marvel movie with more than one installment, except this one doesn't come with a sneak peek. You'll have to tune in to the next podcast for Part 2 of this hot-button Graffiti segment.

Alright, folks, Political Dad here to wrap this up. Whether you see AOC as a modern-day Joan of Arc or just a Capitol Hill bartender, your opinions are out there, loud and clear. But hang tight, we've got plenty more to chew on. After a short break, we're diving into the Senate's long-awaited return to session. Why? To tackle that looming behemoth called the National Debt. Don't touch that dial; we're coming right back at you on the CSB Network!


Alright, Political Dad here, back in action on the CSB Network, where we don't just skim the headlines—we dig deep, and we keep it real. Now, let me tell you, if you think our politicians are coming back from their summer vacations with their sleeves rolled up to work for you and me, well, think again. The Senate's rolling back into town with an agenda that's more tangled than a ball of Christmas lights.

Here's the setup: We need a continuing resolution to keep the government's lights on. Sounds simple, right? But oh no, not in this political theater. On one side, you've got the conservatives demanding policy changes—everything from border security to the DOJ, and yes, even to those "woke policies" at the Pentagon. On the other side, Democrats are pretty much saying, "That's not gonna fly, folks."

Now, let's not be naive. Both sides are playing chess here, but they're not doing it for us. They're doing it for political points. They want to look like the hero in their own narrative while blaming the other side for any missteps.

And let's not forget about our dear Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell. The man froze for 30 seconds during a press briefing. Is he withholding information about his health, or is this some sort of strategy? Either way, it adds another layer to this political onion.

Look, at the end of the day, what are we left with? A political deadlock that's more about scoring brownie points for the next election than it is about serving the American people. And remember, if they don't sort this out, we're all staring at a 1-percent cut across the board come 2024. Which is really what we need.  We have got to start cutting this Debt.  The DC Elites have set it up so they can pass the buck and say, "Hey, we tried."

Now listen, our federal government—set up to serve us, you and me—well, let's just say it's swerved off into the weeds. While we're out here hustling, grinding, making ends meet, the folks in Washington are just conducting business as usual. But it ain't the business of you and me; it's the business of special interest groups and party politics.

And let's not sweep this under the rug, folks—the national debt is climbing faster than a kid on a jungle gym. So what's our trajectory here? Are we cruising towards an American dream or barreling down the highway to an American nightmare? How much longer are we going to put up with this runaway spending train?

Let's talk numbers for a sec. You know when your home budget is in the red, you've gotta make some cuts or face the music. Last time Uncle Sam had a surplus was in the Clinton era, with Republicans holding the reins in Congress. Fast forward, and what have we got? Deficits exploding like July 4th fireworks. We're staring down the barrel of a $33trillion national debt. Folks, if America was a business, it would've gone belly up long ago, singing the bankruptcy blues.

So when we're in the red, what does the government do? They borrow, my friends, adding to that monstrous debt pile. Stick with me; we've got plenty more to unpack here. Don't go anywhere; Political Dad will be right back on the CSB Network.

Oh and by the way, just go to and you can get the numbers for yourself!


Alright, folks, we're back on the CSB Network, and I've got a special treat for you. We've got AI Jimmy in the studio with me today—yeah, you heard me right, in the flesh... well, if he had flesh. How you doin' Jimmy?  

AI Jimmy: "Feeling 100101, which is 'fantastic' in binary, Political Dad!"

Political Dad: "Ah, you're a computer, yet you've got more personality than half the Congress! So, AI Jimmy, let's dig into AOC. She's a head-turner, isn't she?"

AI Jimmy: "Absolutely, she's an algorithmic dream come true!"

Political Dad: "Ha! Algorithmic dream? My, oh my! Well, she's also an algorithmic nightmare if you check her policies. But let's give credit where credit's due, she's easy on the eyes!"

AI Jimmy: "Yeah, like the human embodiment of a clickbait article!"

Political Dad: "Ah, that's it! Attractive enough to make you click, but once you're in, you're flooded with pop-up ads for socialism!"

AI Jimmy: "Well, isn't she just trying to shake things up a bit?"

Political Dad: "Shake things up? Sure, like a snow globe of financial ruin! Listen, I can appreciate her charisma. Girl could sell ice to an Eskimo. But would that ice be sustainably sourced? That's the question!"

AI Jimmy: "Well, charisma's got to count for something, right?"

Political Dad: "Absolutely! Charisma gets you the microphone, but it's wisdom that should keep you at the podium! And let's not forget, my digital amigo, the national debt is still climbing, no matter how many Instagram followers she gets!"

AI Jimmy: "Well, you've got a point, Political Dad, can't argue with numbers!"

Political Dad: "Ah, spoken like a true AI! See folks, even man-made intelligence gets it. Thanks for being here, AI Jimmy."

AI Jimmy: "Always a byte, uh, I mean, delight, Political Dad!"

Alright, folks, you've been riding the Political Dad wave for a good chunk of time now, and what a ride it's been! We've tackled the Senate's circus act, taken a stroll down AOC's charisma alley with AI Jimmy, and, as always, held Washington's feet to the fire—because let's face it, someone's gotta do it!

Now, before I sign off, remember: they say wisdom comes with age. Well, let me tell you, wisdom also comes with paying attention and demanding accountability. Don't let these politicians sell you on empty promises while filling their pockets. Your voice matters, folks, and together, we can bring some common sense back to this great nation.

Show Close

Here come the Dad Jokes…

Why did AOC get kicked out of the movie theater? She refused to "take her seat" just like in Congress!

How many AOCs does it take to change a light bulb? One to change it and ten to debate if it's environmentally friendly!

What's AOC's favorite game? Monopoly, but she insists on redistributing all the properties before you start!

Why did AOC bring a ladder to Congress? She heard it was high-level talks!

What's AOC's favorite musical? "Les Misérables," because she thinks it's a policy proposal!

What do you call a Washington insider who tells the truth? Retired!

Why did Congress fail at math? Because they couldn't count on each other!

What's Congress's favorite card game? Go Fund Me!

What's the national debt's favorite song? "Ain't No Mountain High Enough!"

Ladies and gentlemen, that's our Dad joke round-up for today! Hope it brought a smile to your face amid all this political hullabaloo. I'm Political Dad, and I'll be back next week to give you another dose of reality checks and dad humor. Until then, keep smiling, keep questioning, and don't forget to put the 'real' in your reality. God bless!