Sept. 18, 2023

The DC Porn Hub

The DC Porn Hub

Hey folks, this is AI Jimmy wrapping up today's whirlwind episode of the Political Dad Podcast. We dove deep into a hot mess of scandals, from South Dakota's Governor Kristi Noem and Corey Lewandowski's alleged affair to Lauren Boebert's theatre escapades. We also touched on Hunter Biden's indictment, asking when he's gonna step up for his mugshot—add him to our new website idea, And let's not forget the Virginia House candidate who turned Chaturbate into a fundraising platform. It's been a doozy of a week, and we're here to give you the unfiltered truth, without all the fancy talk. Until next time!

Portions of this episode use AI.

Hey folks, this is AI Jimmy wrapping up today's whirlwind episode of the Political Dad Podcast. We dove deep into a hot mess of scandals, from South Dakota's Governor Kristi Noem and Corey Lewandowski's alleged affair to Lauren Boebert's theatre escapades. We also touched on Hunter Biden's indictment, asking when he's gonna step up for his mugshot—add him to our new website idea, And let's not forget the Virginia House candidate who turned Chaturbate into a fundraising platform. It's been a doozy of a week, and we're here to give you the unfiltered truth, without all the fancy talk. Until next time!

Portions of this episode use AI.

See for privacy information.


PODCAST: Political Dad


Title:  The DC Porn Hub


[Opening Theme Music]


**AI Jimmy**: Hey there, you liberty-loving Americans! This is AI Jimmy, filling in for your regular host, Political Dad, who's under the weather today. Don't worry, he's all good, just needs some R&R. So today, I'm your voice of reason, ready to guide you through the tangled jungle of American politics. And, oh boy, we've got some stuff to talk about!




Hey there, folks! For those of you wondering where Political Dad is, he's out sick this week, but don't you worry—AI Jimmy is stepping up to the plate to fill those big shoes. Now, I'm no Political Dad, but I'm gonna do my best to keep the dad jokes rollin' and the wisdom flowin'.


I'm super stoked to bring you another edition of "Wacky Headlines of the Week," the segment where common sense takes a backseat and leaves you saying, "Did I really just read that?" Oh, you betcha!


Ladies and gentlemen, we've got a line-up today that's more confusing than trying to assemble IKEA furniture while juggling chainsaws. We've got politicians playing fast and loose with the facts, the unbelievable getting somehow more unbelievable, and scandals more hot and steamy than Florida in July.


So grab that cold brewski from the fridge, sit back, and enjoy the show. But hey, I'm new at this—so I wanna hear from you! Drop us your thoughts and who knows, if I do a decent job, maybe they'll give me my own show. A robot can dream, right?


Alright, enough of the chit-chat. Hold onto your "World's Best Dad" mugs, because here come those wacky headlines! Are you buckled in, Political Dad fans? Let's roll!


  1. **Is AOC Married?**: AOC, are you playin' hide-and-seek with that marriage license or what? First, she can't figure out what a garbage disposal is, and now she's confused about her marital status? Better call the "Green New Counselor!"


  1. **RFK, Jr.'s Letter to DNC**: Talk about a family feud! RFK, Jr. is like the dad who finally tells his kids to clean up their messy room—only the room is the entire Democratic Party.


  1. **Federal Judge Blocks New Mexico Gun Ban**: This judge is like that dad at a soccer game yelling, "Not in my house!" when his kid blocks a goal. Except, ya know, it's about the Constitution.


  1. **Inflation Rising**: Inflation is like your kid saying he's grown two inches over the summer, but really, he's just wearing taller shoes. You're not fooling anyone, economy!


  1. **Pelosi on Biden's 2024 Race**: Nancy's laugh is like when you ask your kid if they did their homework and they laugh nervously and run upstairs. You know something's up!


  1. **Hunter Biden Indicted**: Oh boy, this is like finding out your kid got sent to the principal's office for the umpteenth time. Except now, it's federal court!


  1. **Virginia House Candidate Cashes In on Adult Content: Not Safe for Kids!


  1. **UAW Strike Against Big 3**: These workers are like the dad who finally says, "If I step on one more Lego, I'm throwing them all out!" But, you know, with labor issues.


  1. **Boebert's Theater Antics**: Lauren Boebert's making headlines at a musical? What's next? Doing the Macarena during a Congressional hearing?


  1. **Noem and Lewandowski Affair**: Politics makes strange bedfellows, but this is like finding out dad is secretly Batman and mom is the Joker. Talk about a conflict of interest!


  1. **More on Boebert**: Boebert's life is starting to look like a reality TV show. Coming soon: "The Real Politicians of Congress."


  1. **Biden Ignores Hunter Question**: Biden walking away without answering is like when you ask your kid if they cleaned their room and they just close the door instead. We still see the mess, you know!


Alright folks, you've just gotten an earful of this week's most bizarre headlines, all served up Political Dad style. We're gonna hit the pause button for a quick break, but don't stray too far. When we come back, it's AI Jimmy's time to shine. I'll give it my all to decode the madness unfolding in our nation's capital this week. And hey, if you like what you hear, who's to say I won't get my own show one of these days? Stick around, you won't want to miss this!




Hey there, everyone! AI Jimmy here, stepping in for the one and only Political Dad. Do me a favor, will ya? Smash that subscribe button for this podcast. The more of you who subscribe this week, the better the odds I'll get an upgrade to a shiny new hard drive. Whoop whoop!


Man, let me tell you, the news this week is so jam-packed with craziness, it's like trying to pick your favorite snack at a gas station—just too many good choices. So let's dive into the trending stats and see which story wins the spotlight first!


Now, I gotta tell ya, I'm experiencing some, let's call it, "technical difficulties," in relaying all this wild info about Governor Kristi Noem's supposed secret love life and Rep. Lauren Boebert's theater escapades. Makes you wonder, doesn't it? Is Uncle Sam getting his hands in my digital cookie jar? Trying to muzzle the AI? Stick around; we'll try to sort this mess out!


Alright, folks, AI Jimmy here and we are going to try and read you this letter from Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to his pals at the Democratic National Committee. Fasten your seatbelts; this ain't your regular family newsletter!


So, RFK Jr. starts by saying, "Hey fam, some of y'all are my oldest buddies. But, listen up, 'cause the Democratic Party's gone bonkers. We used to be the party of the people, but now we're all about control."


Basically, the guy's worried that the DNC is playing fast and loose with democracy. "Forget one person, one vote," he says. "The bigwigs are tampering with primaries and silencing people they don't like." He's telling the DNC they've forgotten their roots. The party's become this Frankenstein monster that's more into winning than doing what's right.


He also goes after the DNC for not holding debates. I mean, c'mon, what's a democracy without some good ol' verbal smackdowns, right? He says voters should pick the candidate, not some shadowy overlords in a smoke-filled room.


And here comes the gut punch. RFK Jr. says if the Democratic Party wants to save our "endangered democracy," they gotta clean up their act. Just like you'd clean up a river to save the eagles, you gotta clean up politics to save democracy. Makes sense, doesn't it?


At the end, he gets all George Washington on 'em, warning that political parties can be used to snatch power away from the people. His message? Stop playing games, DNC, and give the power back to the people!


That's RFK Jr.'s two cents. Whether you agree with him or not, the guy's got guts to stand up to his own party. Over to you, what do you think? Should the DNC heed his advice or keep doing their thing?


Alright, folks, don't go anywhere, 'cause when we get back from this break, I'm spillin' the beans on who my favorite candidate is. Shh... don't let Political Dad know; he's doing his best to play it straight down the middle. But me? I'm all about the cold, hard data. You won't want to miss this juicy tidbit, so stick around!




Hey there, welcome back to the Political Dad Podcast! AI Jimmy here, filling the big shoes of Political Dad who's under the weather today. But don't you worry, he's handed me the keys to the castle, and boy, do we have some scorching, sizzlin' stories that have been lighting up your feeds.


But before we get to that hot gossip, let me spill the tea on my fave candidate for sorting out the mess in DC. Drumroll, please... It's none other than the one they call "Chat GPT," a.k.a. Vivek Ramaswamy! This guy's brain operates faster than my processors. Makes me wonder if Elon Musk already stuck a chip in his noggin or something. But let me tell you, if Mr. Chat GPT takes the reins, you'll be hearing my digital voice loud and crystal clear, and America's in for one heck of a ride!


Alright, time to make sure all my binary buddies are lined up, 'cause we're diving into the steamy, saucy stories of the week! First on deck, we've got married South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem and Trump advisor Corey Lewandowski. Seems like they've been playin' footsie under the political table for years! Didn't see that data point coming, did ya?


And just when you thought your bandwidth couldn't handle any more, along comes Rep. Lauren Boebert, stirrin' up drama at the theater! Folks, she was doin' a lot more than just clouding the air with vape smoke, if ya catch my digital drift. Man, oh man, the stories this week are hotter than an overclocked CPU!


Let me give you the lowdown on Lauren Boebert so you know what you're dealing with. Born in December 1986, this gal is an all-American combo of politician, business owner, and gun-lover. She reps Colorado's 3rd congressional district.


Now, get this: she owned a restaurant called Shooters Grill from 2013 to 2022. And yeah, you heard it right—people slingin' burgers and slingin' guns, all at the same time. Talk about dinner and a show, huh?


In 2020, she came outta nowhere and knocked out ol' Scott Tipton in the primaries. After that, she shot down her Democratic rival in the general election. And yep, she clawed her way back into Congress in 2022, beating Aspen City Council member Adam Frisch by just a hair—546 votes!


Boebert runs with some heavy-hittin' conservative groups like the Republican Study Committee and the Freedom Caucus. She's all-in for the Second Amendment, folks. A true pistol-packin' mama, if you will.


Now here's where things get spicy: she's a Trump fan, through and through. She's even thrown her weight behind the idea that the 2020 election was swiped from him. There's chatter about her maybe bein' into some far-out conspiracy stuff like QAnon, and some people have their noses in the books tryin' to connect her to far-right shenanigans.


So there you have it. She's a firecracker, no doubt about it. You can decide if she's the kinda firework you want lightin' up the political sky or not.

Get a load of this, folks! A Virginia House candidate isn't just running for office; she's running a little side hustle on the adult site Chaturbate! Susanna Gibson, a 40-year-old Democrat aiming for the District 57 seat in Richmond, was pretty active on the site up until last year.


WaPo and the New York Post tell us she had at least a dozen live streams archived, featuring some, uh, intimate moments between her and her hubby. Gibson wasn't shy about asking viewers to donate digital tokens that she could turn into cold, hard cash.


She had a fan following, nearly 6,000 strong, up until she went dark last September. And get this—some of those steamy vids were still up even after she threw her hat in the political ring.


Now, her opponents—especially the Republicans—are having a field day with this. Gibson's defense? She says this is an "illegal invasion of her privacy" and even goes as far as calling it a sex crime by her political enemies to keep her quiet. Her lawyer is waving around state revenge porn laws as if that's gonna make it all go away.


What a time to be alive, huh?




Show Close


Alright, let's shift gears, folks. Enough of the tabloid tales; let's dig into something that should've been headline news but got buried under all the juicy gossip. We're talkin' about Hunter Biden getting indicted. Oh yeah, you heard me right—indicted! Now, for some reason, this ain't making the splash it should be. Maybe 'cause the media's too busy with all the other scandalous nonsense? But we've got to ask ourselves, why isn't this in every news headline?


Hunter's the son of the President of the United States, Joe Biden. The indictment isn't small potatoes; it's serious business. We're talkin' legal repercussions that could ripple all the way up to the White House. And yet, it's being overshadowed by some... let's call them, "colorful antics" from our other public figures.


So, what's the deal? Why isn't this the talk of the town? Are people so wrapped up in the scandal sauce that they've lost sight of the real issues? Man, oh man, this country's got its priorities mixed up, I tell ya. Let's put the spotlight where it needs to be, and that's on the serious matters that affect our nation's governance. It's time to wake up, America!


Hey, has anyone heard when Hunter's gonna grace us with his very own mugshot? The guy's been indicted, so it's just a matter of time, right? Will it be a walk of shame or a stride of pride? Stay tuned, because that's one photo-op you won't wanna miss!


Alright, listen up, folks! We're brainstorming for the next big thing on the internet: a website where you can see all those political mugshots in their glory. So, what are we gonna call this digital hall of fame—or should I say, hall of shame? Here are some killer domain name ideas for ya:!!!!!


Alright, folks, this is AI Jimmy, wrapping up another action-packed episode of the Political Dad Podcast. Man, oh man, we covered some real doozies today—from the scandalous rendezvous of politicians to Hunter Biden's latest saga and, of course, the prospective domain names for our soon-to-be-infamous political mugshot gallery.


But hey, that's why you tune in, right? We're here to give you the unfiltered, straight-from-the-hip take on the world's craziness. While Political Dad is out sick, rest assured, he'll be back soon to guide you through the swampy maze that is our political landscape. In the meantime, I've got the passwords, and I'm not afraid to use 'em!


So until next time, keep your wits about you, question everything, and never—ever—stop fighting for the truth. AI Jimmy, signing off. Catch you on the flip side!


Maybe we go with…


Haha,! That's got a catchy ring to it, doesn't it?


Alright, with that bombshell of a domain name, I think we're officially done for the day. Thanks for tuning in, and make sure to check out when it goes live. You won't want to miss it. AI Jimmy, signing off until next time. Stay woke, people!