July 16, 2023

Life After Deaf: My Life with Rush Limbaugh Part 3

Life After Deaf: My Life with Rush Limbaugh Part 3

In this episode of the "Political Dad" podcast Life After Deaf: My Life with Rush Limbaugh Part 3 we embarked on a journey filled with surprises and laughter. We delved into the controversies surrounding Rush Limbaugh, exploring his impact on the political landscape while keeping our minds open to different perspectives. The highlight of the show was the unexpected encounter with Elton John—or someone claiming to be him—on the phone, a moment that challenged preconceptions and showcased the potential for connection even amidst differing viewpoints. We shared Dad jokes that brought smiles and light-heartedness to the political discourse. As we wrapped up, we were reminded that in politics, as in life, humor and open-mindedness can bridge divides and create moments of understanding. Join us next time for more engaging discussions and laughter on "Political Dad"!

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PODCAST: Political Dad


Title:  Life After Deaf: My Life with Rush Limbaugh Part 3

[Theme music fades in]

 Well, well, well, my fellow political aficionados! Grab your sense of humor, hold on tight, and get ready for a comedic rollercoaster ride that'll leave you snorting your coffee out of your nose and rolling on the floor with laughter. Let's inject some humor into the political chaos, my friends!

*Cue jingle*

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to "Political Dad," the show where we dive headfirst into the tumultuous world of politics and unravel the truth behind the headlines. I'm your host, Political Dad, and today we have a very special episode for you. Get ready to buckle up because we're about to explore Part 3 of "Life After Deaf: My Life with Rush Limbaugh."

Now, in Part 3, we delve into the aftermath of Rush Limbaugh's life and his enduring legacy. We discuss his impact on the conservative media landscape, his personal challenges, and how his voice continues to shape the political landscape even after his passing. But there's so much more to unpack, my friends.

Rush Limbaugh, the conservative powerhouse, was a force to be reckoned with. His nationally syndicated radio show, launched in 1988, transformed talk radio forever. With his unique blend of charisma, humor, and unwavering conviction, Rush captivated millions of listeners and became an influential voice in shaping conservative thought.

But it wasn't just his broadcasting prowess that made Rush an icon. He faced his fair share of challenges, including his battle with hearing loss, which he fearlessly discussed on his show and we talked about it here in Part 1. Despite these obstacles, Rush showed unwavering resilience and adaptability, continuing to connect with his audience and inspire millions.

As we reflect on Rush's life, we can't ignore the controversies that surrounded him. He was a lightning rod for criticism from both the left and even some on the right. Yet, through it all, Rush remained steadfast in his principles, never backing down from speaking his mind and challenging the status quo.

Today, we celebrate the enduring legacy of Rush Limbaugh. His ideas, his wit, and his unwavering commitment to conservative principles have left an indelible mark on American politics. He paved the way for new voices to emerge and inspired countless individuals on both sides of the aisle to engage in the political discourse that shapes our nation.

So, my friends, join me in honoring the life and legacy of Rush Limbaugh in this captivating episode of "Political Dad." Let's continue the conversation, explore the impact, and keep the flame of America burning bright.

*Cue Headlines jingle*

"All right folks, fasten your seatbelts and secure your sanity, because we're about to dip our toes into the frothy seas of this week's headlines on the Political Dad podcast:”

"Special Rush Edition: The Top 10 Insights into Rush Limbaugh's Impact on the Political Landscape"

  1. "Rush Limbaugh was a conservative icon whose powerful voice and unwavering conviction left an indelible mark on American politics."
  2. "Love him or hate him, there's no denying Rush Limbaugh's influence and ability to connect with his audience."
  3. "Rush was a master of political satire, using humor to convey his conservative message in a way that captivated millions."
  4. "He was a polarizing figure who sparked intense debates and challenged the status quo."
  5. "Rush Limbaugh's legacy extends beyond politics; he paved the way for conservative voices in media and inspired a new generation of conservative thinkers."
  6. "He had an incredible ability to simplify complex political issues and make them relatable to everyday Americans."
  7. "Rush was known for his bombastic style and unapologetic approach, making him both loved and loathed by many."
  8. "His talent for articulating conservative ideas with wit and passion made him a dominant force in the conservative movement."
  9. "Rush's influence went far beyond his radio show; he shaped the national conversation and played a pivotal role in shaping conservative thought."
  10. "Love him or hate him, Rush Limbaugh will be remembered as a trailblazer who left an indelible mark on the world of politics and conservative media."

And there you have it, folks! The top 10 things people say about Rush Limbaugh and his wild ride through the political landscape. From being a conservative icon to sparking intense debates, Rush sure knew how to make waves. Love him or hate him, you couldn't ignore his bombastic style and his ability to simplify complex issues like nobody else. He had a knack for leaving you either cheering or shaking your head in disbelief. So, let's raise our mugs of strong conservative coffee and toast to the man who left a lasting impression on the political scene. Here's to Rush Limbaugh, the man who proved that politics can be entertaining, infuriating, and downright hilarious all at the same time!

Now in this segment, we're going to tackle a subject that has sparked intense debates over the years: Rush Limbaugh and racism.

Now, it's no secret that Rush Limbaugh was a lightning rod for criticism, and accusations of racism were not uncommon. Some critics pointed to controversial statements he made or instances where his rhetoric was perceived as racially insensitive. It's important to address these allegations head-on and have an open and honest discussion.

First and foremost, let me be clear: racism in any form is abhorrent and has no place in our society. While Rush was certainly known for his provocative style, it's crucial to examine his words and actions in context. Rush often used satire and hyperbole to make his points, and while this approach may have been seen as offensive by some, he argued that it was part of his style and not reflective of his true beliefs.  I worked for him for over 20 years side-by-side and I never once saw him act in a racist way.  That wasn’t who he was!  I can repeat that over and over and it won’t change all the negative stuff that has been said about Rush over the years regarding racism, but trust me folks as the one sitting next him the last 20 years, I can tell you he was not a racist!

Rush had a diverse team working behind the scenes, including individuals from different racial and ethnic backgrounds and we all spoke highly of our experiences working with him. We didn’t put people in categories.  We thought of all people as equal and thought everyone should be treated equally.  Rush was just one of the few that wasn’t afraid to talk about racism.

As we continue to grapple with issues of race and strive for a more inclusive society, it's essential to engage in constructive dialogue and listen to a variety of voices. Rush Limbaugh's legacy, love him or hate him, is an opportunity to reflect on the complexities of political discourse and examine the impact of words in shaping public opinion.

So, my dear listeners, let's navigate this sensitive terrain together and let's strive for understanding, empathy, and a commitment to fostering a more inclusive society.



Return Liner

Welcome back, listeners, to "Political Dad." Now, it's time to delve into a truly extraordinary moment that unfolded in the world of political surprises. Brace yourselves, because this story involves none other than the iconic Elton John reaching out to none other than Rush. And believe it or not, it was yours truly, Political Dad, who had the unexpected privilege of answering that phone call.

Let me set the scene for you: I was manning the phones at the studio, going about my day, when suddenly, the phone rang. Little did I know that on the other end of the line was the legendary Elton John, seeking to speak directly to Rush. Now, as you can imagine, my initial reaction was one of disbelief. Elton John, the flamboyant liberal icon, calling for Rush? It seemed like a setup for a punchline.

I just couldn’t believe it was Elton John on the other end and I questioned him as to whether it was a prank or not. He insisted it was and proceeded to start singing as a way to prove it. I told him to hold on the line and that I would pass the message on to Rush.  So, I walk into Rush’s studio and tell him I have a guy on the phone claiming to be Elton John.  Rush then looks at me and says “It probably is Elton John then.”  It was indeed, Elton John himself, reaching out to speak with Rush. So, with a mix of surprise and anticipation, I watched through the glass of the studio as Rush and Elton talked for about 20 minutes.

After the phone call was over Rush then came out of the studio and told Snerdley, Dawn and myself to never say a word to anyone about Elton John calling the studio.  We had no idea at the time that Rush was really getting Elton John to play at his wedding.  Let me tell you it was one of the most amazing performances I had ever seen Elton John do.  I will always remember that one concert at the Breakers Hotel.

Now, let's address the elephant in the room: the stark political differences between Rush and Elton John. They stood on opposite ends of the spectrum, politically speaking. Yet, here they were, connected by a shared appreciation for open dialogue and the recognition that even in disagreement, bridges can be built.

While I can't disclose the exact details of their conversation, what I can say is that it was a testament to the power of respectful communication. It showed that despite our ideological differences, finding common ground and engaging in meaningful conversation can lead to moments of understanding and even friendship.

So, my dear listeners, let this story serve as a reminder that in the world of politics, surprises can abound. It's through unexpected encounters and the willingness to listen that we broaden our perspectives and create opportunities for growth and connection.

As we continue on this journey together, let's remember the importance of engaging in respectful dialogue, even with those whose views may differ greatly from our own. Because you never know when a phone call from an unexpected source can bring about a remarkable and enlightening experience.

[Closing segment]

And there you have it, folks! We've reached the end of another exciting episode of "Political Dad." Today, we embarked on a rollercoaster ride, from discussing Rush Limbaugh's impact on the political landscape to the unexpected encounter with Elton John—or someone claiming to be him—on the phone. It's been a wild journey filled with surprises and laughter.

We explored the controversies and allegations surrounding Rush Limbaugh, reminding ourselves of the importance of balanced perspectives and engaging in constructive dialogue. We also shared the hilarious tale of Elton John's call, where skepticism met a serenade over the phone. Who knew politics and surprise encounters could make for such entertaining moments?

So, my dear listeners, as we wrap up today's show, let's take a moment to reflect on the power of unexpected connections and the potential for understanding, even in the midst of differing viewpoints. Remember, in the world of politics, laughter and open-mindedness can be powerful tools to navigate the twists and turns that lie ahead.

Thank you for joining me, Political Dad, on this adventure. I hope you had as much fun listening as I did sharing these stories with you. Stay tuned for our next episode, where we'll dive into more captivating topics that blend politics, family, and the humor that keeps us going.

Until then, keep your minds open, your conversations lively, and remember, politics can be serious, but that doesn't mean we can't find moments of laughter along the way. This is Political Dad, signing off with a chuckle and a reminder to never take ourselves too seriously! Oh wait…   We needs some Dad Jokes!!!

Show Close

Before we bid you farewell, let's lighten the mood with a few Dad jokes inspired by today's episode. Brace yourselves, folks, for some politically-themed humor!

Why did the scarecrow win the election? Because he was outstanding in his field!

Why did the politician bring a ladder to the debate? Because they wanted to "rise" above their opponents!

What did the politician say to the crowd at the campaign rally? "I'm running for office, but I promise not to jog!"

Why did the politician visit the bakery? They wanted to butter up the voters!

What's a politician's favorite type of footwear? Flip-floppers!

How do politicians stay cool during heated debates? They use campaign fans!

Why did the political candidate go to the optometrist? They wanted to improve their focus group!

Remember, my fellow political joke aficionados, these jokes are all in good fun. Laughter can bring people together, even in the realm of politics. So, share these jokes, enjoy a lighthearted moment, and keep engaging in the political discourse with a smile on your face!

This is Political Dad, signing off with a joke and a reminder that laughter is the secret ingredient to navigating the political landscape. Stay tuned for more politically-inspired humor and discussions on our next episode!

[Outro music plays, fading out]