Aug. 30, 2023

America Is Broke!

America Is Broke!

Today on "Political Dad," we dissect America's spiraling $32.608 trillion national debt, call out the DC Elite for their hand in this crisis, and update you on the 2024 Presidential race's latest developments. Plus, stick around for dad jokes with a political twist and a preview of our upcoming "Political Dad Graffiti" segment featuring Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas.

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Today on "Political Dad," we dissect America's spiraling $32.608 trillion national debt, call out the DC Elite for their hand in this crisis, and update you on the 2024 Presidential race's latest developments. Plus, stick around for dad jokes with a political twist and a preview of our upcoming "Political Dad Graffiti" segment featuring Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas.

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PODCAST: Political Dad


Title:  American Is Broke!

Welcome, folks, to another episode of "Political Dad" on the CSB Network. Our hearts are with Northwest Florida, reeling from Hurricane Idalia's fury. But folks, we've got other storms to talk about—political storms. Buckle up, let's dive in!


Welcome back, loyal listeners, to another episode of the Political Dad podcast, where we tackle the gritty stuff of life and politics. Brace yourselves, because today, we're diving into America's ever-ballooning debt issue. We're talking numbers that not even the nation's best calculators can handle. But hey, if you don't tune in for the hard stuff, are you really part of the Political Dad family? So, sit back, put your thinking caps on, and let's break this down.

First up, the Wall Street heavyweights like Ray Dalio and Nouriel Roubini have been sounding the debt alarm, warning us of an impending financial apocalypse. Add to that Fitch Ratings downgrading U.S. credit, and you've got the trifecta of "We're in deep trouble, folks!" Bruce Liegel, a former fund manager and author, put it plainly: the debt-to-GDP ratio has doubled in 20 years. If the term 'debt-to-GDP' sounds like financial jargon, it's basically the adult version of your kid spending his entire allowance and then some. This ticking time bomb is fueled by the Federal Reserve's low-interest policies, and out-of-control spending on Social Security and Medicare. The stage is set for a financial mess that would make any dad's hair turn gray overnight.

But wait, there's more! Ron Paul weighs in with a gut punch, stating that Congress isn't likely to cut spending or tackle our monstrous $32 trillion debt. Both parties are addicted to what he calls "welfare-warfare" spending. The failure to address this issue, despite Fitch's downgrade, could cost us dearly. We're talking about the potential collapse of the dollar and skyrocketing living expenses. And let's not even get into what this would mean for Biden or any future presidents' campaigns. I mean, how do you campaign on a broken piggy bank?

Now, if those two stories didn't jolt you awake, how about some wisdom from Hank Paulson, another former Treasury Secretary who’s no stranger to financial crises. He's telling us the clock is ticking and we need to act fast. The Congressional Budget Office is predicting our debt will soar to almost $144 trillion in 30 years. Folks, that’s trillion with a 'T'! Paulson insists that solutions must come from both spending cuts and revenue increases. Time is of the essence and as he says, "The longer we wait, the more painful the solution will be."

So here's the Political Dad bottom line: Imagine your family finances spinning out of control, credit cards maxed, and you still want to take the kids to Disneyland. Sounds irresponsible, right? Well, that's what's happening on a national scale. We're at a fiscal cliff, and if we don't grab the wheel, we're going over it, taking future generations with us.

We've got a fiscal storm brewing that not even the savviest Wall Street weatherman can predict with certainty. The winds are picking up, and if we don't change course, it's not just going to be a rainy day; it's going to be a fiscal hurricane. As your Political Dad, let me be clear: it's time to pay attention, tighten the belt, and start some serious adult conversations in Washington.

Look, we can't let this debt crisis continue to be the elephant—or donkey—in the room any longer. Our national clock isn't just ticking, it's blaring like an alarm clock, telling us we're running late on solving this debt debacle. I've been watching Washington accumulate debt like a teenager racks up screen time, and let me tell you, it's high time we focus on the next election like a laser.

You see, most candidates will tell you they're going to "fix" the debt. Oh, you bet, they're great at talking the talk. But when it comes to walking the walk? Nada. Zilch. Zero. It's all campaign promises and no delivery, folks.

Now, the solution isn't rocket science. Let's remember the KISS method here: Keep It Simple, Stupid. Dial back the big-government oversight, unleash the power of free enterprise, and watch businesses and the economy soar. A booming business landscape means more tax revenue without even nudging tax rates upward. Workers make more, businesses make more, and we all win. But don't expect the D.C. elite to sing this tune anytime soon. No, no—they don't want to lose control, even if it means saving our fiscal future.

So, let's do ourselves a favor. Come next election, pay keen attention to the candidates who are willing to seriously tackle this debt fiasco. Let's vote in some real problem-solvers before the debt tsunami sweeps us all away. It's time we take control of our financial destiny, and it starts at the ballot box. Keep your ears to the ground and your eyes on the prize, America.


Alright, folks, stay with me because this is where the rubber meets the road. I can hear the wheels turning in your heads: "Political Dad, what about those D.C. fat cats?" Ah, yes, the D.C. Elite—the very architects of our fiscal downfall. You're wondering how we can vote in people who actually care about this great nation rather than just lining their own pockets with our hard-earned tax dollars.

I hear you loud and clear, America. Pulling the curtain back on the D.C. puppet masters isn't a walk in the park, but I tell you what, if we start making noise collectively, they won't have a choice but to listen. That's right! We're the many; they're the few. We've got strength in numbers, people.

So let's get vocal. Let's start calling out these D.C. Elites by name. Shame 'em into action or out of office! Put the spotlight on their role in our spiraling debt and you can bet your bottom dollar that they'll start to squirm.

And don't even get me started on term limits. Friends, if we'd had those in place a half-century ago, we wouldn't be navigating this fiscal minefield today. The fact that we have career politicians is a big part of the problem.

It's high time we, the people, regain the reins of our democracy. Call out those who’ve set us on this precarious path. Together, we can chip away at the D.C. Elite's stranglehold on power and restore sanity to our nation's finances. The ball is in our court, America. Let's serve an ace they can't return.

Ladies and Gentlemen, buckle up, because the 2024 presidential race has just claimed its first victim. Drumroll, please... Miami Mayor Francis Suarez is hanging up his spurs in the GOP primary. Yup, you heard it right. Not making it to the debate stage last week was the death knell for his campaign. A moment of silence, if you will. Alright, enough of that—on to the survivors.

So, who's still dancing in this high-stakes political tango? Allow me to roll call, folks:

**On the Democrat side:**

- Joe Biden, our incumbent commander-in-chief

- Marianne Williamson, the guru of good vibes

- And Robert F. Kennedy Jr., environmental lawyer and vaccine skeptic

**As for the Republicans:**

- Donald Trump, the man who needs no introduction

- Nikki Haley, the former U.N. Ambassador

- Vivek Ramaswamy, entrepreneur and author

- Perry Johnson, the lesser-known contender

- Larry Elder, the Sage from South Central

- Asa Hutchinson, Arkansas Governor

- Tim Scott, Senator from South Carolina

- Ron DeSantis, your very own Florida Governor, folks

- Chris Christie, the man from the Garden State

- Mike Pence, former Vice President

- Doug Burgum, North Dakota Governor

- And last but not least, Will Hurd, former CIA and Congressman

There you have it, America. The lineup vying for your votes and, let's be honest, looking to live rent-free in the White House for the next four years. Keep your eyes peeled and your ears open. This is gonna be a wild ride!

Alright, my friends, let's hit the pause button on the heavy stuff. Go grab yourself a coffee or a soda, because when we come back, we're switching gears. Get ready for a laugh riot with some of your all-time favorite Political Dad jokes. Trust me, you won't want to miss this! Stay tuned!


Hey there, welcome back to the action, you tuned-in freedom lovers! Quick heads-up for you: I've posted a photo of none other than Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas on the Political Dad Facebook page, and I want to hear what you've got to say. This is for our next 'Political Dad Graffiti' segment airing this Sunday. Share your wisdom, your takes, your fiery opinions—whatever you've got. And guess what? AI Jimmy's gonna be reading your comments live on air during Sunday's show. So get on it, folks!

Ah, you've made it through the heavy stuff; now it's time for the lighter side of life! Here are 10 Political Dad jokes inspired by today's podcast that'll tickle your funny bone, and maybe even make you think a little!

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 Why did the national debt attend therapy?

   - Because it was always feeling "interestingly" low!

 What's Congress's favorite game?

   - Kick the Can... Down the Road!

 What's the Federal Reserve's favorite band?

   - "Rolling in the Debt"!

 Why did Miami Mayor Francis Suarez suspend his campaign?

   - He found out Miami doesn't have enough electoral votes to win!

 Why did the national debt get kicked out of school?

   - Because it never stayed below the limit!

 What did the DC Elite say when they were caught embezzling?

   - "It was just pocket change! You know, a trillion or so."

 Why did the Federal Reserve join a dating app?

   - It heard there was interest!

 How do you make Holy Water in Congress?

   - You boil the "hell" out of it and then filibuster for three days on its purity!

 What's the DC Elite's favorite exercise?

   - Jumping to conclusions, and running from responsibility!

 How many politicians does it take to screw in a light bulb?

   - One to screw it in, and the rest to screw it up!

 Why was Justice Clarence Thomas bad at poker?

   - Because he couldn't keep a straight face when interpreting the Constitution!

 What's a politician's favorite dance?

   - The sidestep, of course!

Alright, folks, hope that brings a smile to your face. Remember, laughter is the best policy, unless, of course, we're talking about fiscal policy!